Wednesday 24 February 2010

Something about Kenji Sawada

Something about Kenji Sawada

Thanks to all Julie Tomos, I have gathered some interesting background stories about Julie that I would like to share with you all:

七十年代末期到八十年代中期...是 Julie 最當紅的年代.
風华絕代 "美" 男子,
日本史上祇有 kenji 能得到二次唱片大賞...
Julie 在一次唱片大賞以一票之差輸給翁倩玉...
他的 CD 到現在依然是日本 HMV 最佳銷售量的歌手之一


大致上是 David Bowie vs Kenji Sawada, 其實兩人頗有相似的地方:

1) 都是以 rock music 為本, 但 David Bowie 偏向另類妖異, Julie 卻偏向大路流行.

2) 都是以鲜明的中性形像於媒體上示人, 但点 Julie 比 David Bowie 更成功, 在日本男權社会能夠以中性形像示人,而又受廣大群眾歡迎的藝人, 可以说是前無古人, (可能是日本傳统藝妓本來是男性的關係吧 !) 相反, 當年 David Bowie 的形象, 因為太另類前衛, 歐美樂迷尚未能太接受, 在其老家英國亦衹有部份樂迷願意追隨, 這点 Julie 絕對比 David Bowie 更能大小通吃 !

3) David Bowie 並不英俊, 但很有魅力, 這種魅力是基於其音樂天份及他曾公開表示他是雙性戀者, Kenji 則可被稱為上帝傑作的美男子,不在演藝界...也能吸引很多狂蜂浪蝶...可能因為亞洲樂迷都太著重外表, 我感覺很多樂迷都是喜歡他的外表...多於...喜歡他的歌...(雖然 Kenji 亦有非比尋常的音樂觸覺和天份, 很多 Hit songs 都有参與作曲...)


各Fans 不可不知的是,他出生時,父親賣弄文墨,他名字正確寫法,是"石+千+干",而不是井字不穿頭的"研"字。

正確外號是{金魚屎}, 但自傳中冇講点解,只知細個時,他不大受小朋友歡迎,因為他常跟住大他兩年的哥哥沢藏(不是暢郎!)玩,其他小朋友嫌他細個吧!

シジグル= 細碟, アルバム=大碟, ドラマデピュ= 電視劇, ゲスト=guest, 仏語= French, レコード= 唱片, 1975 年到Paris 及London 宣傳,打入法国Radio 流行榜, 同年6月4日,與The Peanuts 的大孖伊藤エミ結婚!和Kenji育有一個兒子澤田一人呀! 他79年3月出世,今年有31歲了.




  1. Hey, where did you copy the above information or you just made it up yourself? You know it's incorrect? Kenji did not win The Japan Record Award twice but once only in 1977. There other singers/group who won this award twice or more, such as Nakamori Akina, Anmuro Namie etc. Go and find out before you copy from others, they are no always right. You may mislead other Kenji
    Another thing, 藝妓 MUST be female but歌舞伎can be played by male. You are misleading others. Don't write anything you have no knowledge of, please...

  2. Hi copy cat, right at the begining of this article I have mentioned that I gethered some interesting stories about Kenji from other fans that I would like to share. However, I never said that I was an expert of Julie. I only write about Julie to show my support and admiration for him. I do welcome your opinions/ information, but you don't have to be rude about it!

  3. 你好,我也是研田的歌迷,有空请多与我的联系,如果去日本听演唱会,一定要叫埋我
